Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Do you think handwritten cards and letters still have value in the digital age?

 Dear reader, 

Letters need to be brought back. Waking up to find an envelope addressed to you, stuffed with as many pages as can fit is an underrated sentiment. Next thing you know, your eyes are frantically scanning the page while you search for a pen and paper to write back. The feeling you get when you get a letter are almost unmatched. The only thing that even comes close to this feeling is getting an amazon package in your name, only downside to this is it is usually no surprise, unlike a letter. 

This tradition was unfortunately lost in the fast pace that life has adopted. The convenience of texting is enticing (and in certain situations, a quick text will do) but receiving a letter carries so much more weight (literally). Writing letters requires time and patience, that’s what makes it so special, knowing that someone is thinking of you and wants to know how you are.

There is something about handwritten letters that cannot be replaced by any technology. In the way the writer’s emotion is portrayed through the messiness of their writing and scribbled out words. Contrastingly, when they write as neat as the possibly can, trying to avoid error. It’s almost as if you can feel the persons feelings through the ink, without even reading the words. 

 Writing a letter is a great way to “capture that moment and your feelings,” (Rodrigues) Whether you are writing or receiving, it really helps to get your emotions in order. Letters basically “transcend time," making it possible to look back on an important moment, kind of like a photo (Rodrigues).

I love writing and receiving letters. I find it so beautiful and intimate to write to someone. The fact that it has become less common has made it even more impactful for me too. Writing is just overall a thing I enjoy, so I treasure being able to share that with someone close to me. 

Letters are also super fun, even if you are neighbors. It doesn’t have to be anything super special, “it just has to be from you.” (Christian) I love adding stickers and drawings to go along with a letter. I used to do that with a friend and those letters, stickers, and drawings are amongst the things I value most. I still look back on them and smile. 



(P.S. if you want to send a letter, you should make 2 copies, that way you remember exactly what you said and there are no holes in your keepsake) 


Christian, Mary Todd. "The Importance of Letter Writing." Papyrus Greenville  University, 13 Oct. 2015, papyrus.greenville.edu/2015/10/the-importance-of-letter-writing/. Accessed 12 Dec. 2023.

Rodrigues, Siena. "Why Hand Written Letters Mean so Much." University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 3 Nov. 2023, Why handwritten letters mean so much - College of Arts and Sciences (unc.edu). Accessed 12 Dec. 2023.


  1. Amazing Blog Post Alana!! This kind of doesn't have anything to do with what the blogs about but I like how you started it with "Dear Reader". It gives a nice personal touch to it. Letters are a really good way to keep in contact with someone. I agree that everyone should know that feeling when you open one. -Ana

  2. Nice work Alana! You really captured the importance of letters to you and the sentiment you hold behind them. I agree that we need to bring them back to being a thing! I love whenever I get Christmas cards in the mail, but letters are even better! Your use of a "P.S." at the end was also a great touch.

  3. Dear Alana,

    I love the way you structured your blog post! It's so creative and perfect for the topic! I completely agree with you that handwritten letters hold so much more sentimental value than texts/electronic methods of communication.

    P.S. I will keep in mind your tip of making 2 copies! Thanks!



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