Harry Potter Book Review And Thoughts
by: Amari Dixon
The Blog post is going to be about my thoughts on the book that I am reading during my free reading days: Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets. At the beginning of the book, it starts with Harry in his house with his step-parents. After Harry came back to his step-parents, his step-parents were scared of him because he had magic abilities and they locked him up in his room. Luckily Ron and his brothers came and took him to Ron's house. For the rest of the summer, Harry and Ron went to Diagon Alley and bought stuff for Hagworts.
After the summer, Harry and Ron decided to ride Ron's dad's flying car. Sadly, when they got to Hogwarts Ron and Harry found out that 2 humans saw them. Luckily the humans didn't make a big deal but Harry and Ron got in serious Trouble. After The next few weeks, Harry started to practice quidditch again. Until Draco Malfoy came. Draco is Harry's rival and he calls Hormine (Harry's other friend) a mudblood, which is basically a bad word in the Harry Potter world. Ron gets very angry and uses his wand which backfires and he hits himself.
After Ron gets better, Harry and Ron have to pay for breaking the rules of the school. Harry has to Read and sign fanmail, and Ron has to Clean trophies. When Harry is doing fan mail he hears a voice and it is telling him that he is coming for him. He tells The teacher about it but he says that he is just tired and he should get some sleep. (This is the part that I am on)
So, My review so far on this book so far. I think it is really interesting it always finds a way to keep me interested in it. I also love Hormine as a character, she is the best at everything and supports her friends. I also like how Ron is willing to stand up for Hormine (even though it backfired) My favorite part about the book so far is when Ron rescues Harry from his step-parents' house. I loved the action in the scene and it kept me hooked into the book. It was a great start for this book and I loved it.
So far, compared to the first book I like this one better. Even though it is not fully into the action, I still love to see how Harry interacts with new characters. Like Collins who is a Harry Potter fanboy and likes to follow him all around the school. It is very funny to me when he always knows what Harry Potter is going to do next. In addition, I love how the classes work in the book. It is always very entertaining for me. For example, when they were learning about the Mandrake which is a plant baby that cries so loud that it can kill you. It was very entertaining to see Harry deal with them.
So far, I have not gotten very deep into the action part of the book. I am hoping to see Harry do another quidditch match I loved to read those in the first book. I am also hoping to have more Hargrid scenes. I am very excited to read more about this book in the future.
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